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[APCC2011]Nanette Wenger教授介绍心血管疾病的生理性别差异

作者:NanetteWenger 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/5/13 15:27:15    加入收藏
 关键字:肥胖 冠心病 性别差异 弗兰明翰风险评分 心肌缺血 Nanette Wenger 

    <International Circulation>: When it comes to risk stratification, do you think that the Framingham Risk Score and the Reynolds Risk Score adequately address some of the issues that you see in women?


    Prof.  Wenger:We have a new guideline that came out in December, the American Heart Association/ American College of Cardiology Risk Stratification in Asymptomatic Adults, and we acknowledged that the Framingham Risk Score underestimates the risk in women. There are many women who have subclinical indicators and who have a low Framingham Risk Score. Also the Framingham is so age-dependent that it is very hard for women to get high risk in Framingham. So that was not adequate. There is a new Framingham risk schedule that addresses cardiovascular and that is where the women begin to catch up but the fact of the matter is that physicians do not use these risk scores but use a gestalt look at the patient. That is why we simplified the risk stratification in the new women’s guidelines using the high-risk, the at-risk and ideal cardiovascular health because we thought that was a lot simpler and reflects the research studies that have been done either in healthy women or in sick women. They didn’t look at intermediate risk groups – so we know who is at high-risk and we know who is in ideal health and everyone else is at-risk.


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