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[APCC2011]Nanette Wenger教授介绍心血管疾病的生理性别差异

作者:NanetteWenger 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/5/13 15:27:15    加入收藏
 关键字:肥胖 冠心病 性别差异 弗兰明翰风险评分 心肌缺血 Nanette Wenger 

    Nanette Wenger   美国埃默里大学医学院
    <International Circulation>: We know obesity is a risk for both men and women but is there a difference between obese men and obese women? Does obesity increase the risk even further in women compared to men? Is there a difference in how obesity affects risk in men and women?


    Prof.  Wenger: There is a comparable obesity risk, but the question is the prevalence of obesity and the type of obesity. What we are worried about most is the central obesity, the waist circumference, because that, in both women and men, imparts a greater risk.


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