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[APCC2011]贝特类药物的益处被低估——Garry Jennings教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/9/27 11:43:35    加入收藏
 关键字:代谢综合征 高TG 

  International Circulation: The topic of the association between serum triglyceride levels and cardiovascular disease risk has been a controversial topic. There are data from some recent studies that show hypertriglyceridemia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. What is your viewpoint?
  Prof. Jennings: Yes, you are quite right that it has been a controversial area. However, the question of whether triglycerides are an independent or dependent risk for cardiovascular disease is not the big question. Triglycerides are a key feature of the metabolic syndrome and many people with metabolic syndrome have a high triglyceride level often associated with a low HDL-C, hypertension, abdominal obesity, etc. and that is a key element in the rising rates of cardiovascular disease especially in Asia and around the world. In that sense, triglycerides are a very important marker of cardiovascular disease. When looking at the biology, triglycerides themselves do not seem to be atherogenic but some parts of the triglyceride pathway certainly can be.
  International Circulation: What role do fibrates in general or fenofibrate specifically play in some of these patients?
  Prof. Jennings: In my view, fibrates are a little bit underrated in terms of their beneficial effects. We have very little that will lower triglycerides and raise HDL-C that we can use. The major trials that have been done testing fibrates were probably underpowered and stopped early but that is getting ahead of the data so I can understand why some people have some reservations. However, pending the availability of other drugs that can raise HDL-C and lower triglycerides, I think they have a very important place.
  International Circulation: Do you feel any concern about elevated serum creatinine levels from their use?
  Prof. Jennings: It is like any predictable side effect of any drug and you can manage the patient within those constraints. You can keep an eye on it, monitor it, and do something about it if needed.


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