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[EuroPCR 2012]根据基因型和表型选择口服血小板P2Y12受体拮抗剂的方法——法国巴黎Pitié-Salpétrière 医院Jean-Philippe Collet教授专访

作者:J.P.Collet 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/28 17:41:18    加入收藏
 关键字:P2Y12受体拮抗剂 Jean-Philippe Collet 双联抗血小板治疗 

   International Circulation: As we all know DAPT is very important for post-PCI patients, what are the criteria for choosing appropriate P2Y12 receptor blockers?

  Dr. Collet: The first criteria is the label of the drug. If you are in the labeling, there is no problem. The second criteria is the local constraints because the new drugs are expensive and not available everywhere.
  Making the assumption that all drugs are available and that there are no money constraints, then the method of choosing drugs will depend on the risk of your patients. If you are off-label and this may happen some of the times, you need to have a careful assessment of the clopidogrel resistance of your patients. You may have very high-risk patients who are diabetics, who are having regular intervention while being on clopidogrel and overweight who would be good candidates for the P2Y12 inhibitors.
  The main example is peristalsis stent thrombosis. You may have some patients with history of  peristalsis stent thrombosis who present on DAPT with clopidogrel and probably they are good candidates to be switched to the new one because you may face a new stent thrombosis.
  I think we need to be clear and have simple clinical characteristics, which are related to clopidogrel resistance, which are diabetes, ACS presentation, and the type of lesion you are presented with. It would be very easy to make up your mind on which treatment to choose.

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