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[ESC2010]William WIJNS简介

作者:WilliamWIJNS 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/27 14:03:00    加入收藏
 关键字:William WIJNS 

    ●比利时O.L.V.Z. Aalst心血管中心主任
    ●1996 - 1998 ESC冠脉循环工作组主席
    ●2006 - 2009欧洲经皮心血管介入协会(EAPCI)主席
    ●2006 ESC药物洗脱支架安全性工作组主席
    Present position and address
    Co-Director, Cardiovascular Centre, O.L.V.Z. Aalst
    Moorselbaan 164, B 9300 Aalst, Belgium
    July 1976:  Medical Doctor, U.C.L. (Grande Distinction)
    1976  - 1981: Fellowship in Internal Medicine and Cardiology, St Luc University Hospitals, University of Louvain Medical School
July 1981:  Certified Specialist in Internal Medicine
 1981 - 1984: Thoraxcenter and Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Feb 1983: Specialisten Registratie Commissie, The Netherlands
 1984  - 1985: Research Fellowship, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics, University of California at Los Angeles (U.S.A.).
 1986  - 1987: Social Service, Cardio-Pulmonary Physiopathology Unit, University of Louvain Medical School
ESC and other professional organisations
 1992 - 1994: Secretary of the Working Group on Coronary Circulation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
1994 - 1996: Vice-Chairman of the ESC Working Group on Coronary Circulation
1996 - 1998: Chairman of the ESC Working Group on Coronary Circulation
1996 - 2000: Member of the Executive Scientific Committee of the ESC
  Chairman of the FOCUS sub-committee (1999-2000)
2000 - 2003: Chairman of the ESC Euro Heart Survey on Myocardial Revascularization
 2002 - 2004:  Chairman ESC Congress Programme Committee and Member of the ESC Board
2004 - 2006: Vice-President, External Relations, ESC
2006 – 2009 President, European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular                        Interventions (EAPCI)   2006 - 2010:   Board Member and Chair EU Relations Committee, European Society of Cardiology2006 – 2010:  Board Member, World Heart Federation
Membership Scientific Societies: Belgian Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association (Fellow Circulation Council), Belgian Working Group on Interventional Cardiology, French Society of Cardiology (Membre Etranger), Euro PCR (member of Board Directors)

Membership Legal Authorities: Belgian Peer Review Council for Cardiology (2000 - 2006)
Editorial Boards
Editorial Board Member for European Heart Journal, EuroIntervention Journal, Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine, International Journal of Cardiac Imaging, International Journal of Cardiac Interventions, Italian Heart Journal.
Reviewer for American Journal of Cardiology, American Journal of Physiology, Circulation, Circulation Research, EuroIntervention Journal, European Heart Journal, Heart, Heart Drug, International Journal of Cardiac Imaging, International Journal of Cardiac Interventions, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, The Lancet.
More than 300 publications in peer reviewed journals.
Reseach interest
Research efforts focus on the development and validation of innovative techniques in interventional cardiology such as intracoronary physiological measurements, drug-eluting stents and more recently, cell therapy and applications of multi-detector CT angiography.
Steering committees
 1989 - ongoing: Steering Committee, Critical Event Committee member/chairman/principal investigator of various international multicenter clinical trials
 1989 - 1995: Coordinator of the Cardiology Branch of the Concerted Action on "PET Investigations of Cellular Regeneration and Degeneration", sponsored by the European Community
 2004:  Member of the ESC Study Group on Stem Cells and Regeneration of the Heart
 2006: Co-Chair ESC Task Force on drug-eluting stent safety




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