<International Circulation>:How important is endothelial function in the whole pressure picture?
Prof. Alvolio : It seems to have a function in relation to the peripheral resistance. If one can modify peripheral resistance, it can therefore change the mean blood pressure. There are interesting areas that are coming out in terms of endothelial function affecting the extracellular matrix. One interesting area is changes in endothelial function, for example if there is inflammation there would be a reduction of bioavailability of nitrous oxide. When that happens, certain other processes start to take place. For example post translational modification of proteins. One area is S-nitrosylation, where we’ve been doing some work with a group at Johns Hopkins, the protein, transglutaminase2, seems to be effected by this process S-nitrosylation. When that is affected, it goes out from the cell into the extracellular matrix which causes cross linkages of collagen therefore the artery becomes stiffer. It is an interesting process of changes from the cellular function to the extracellular structural changes.