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  • [TISC2009]Edward Jauch教授:延长静脉溶栓时间窗,更多卒中...

    国际循环:美国AHA/ASA的一项新建议为组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tPA)在严格筛选的急性缺血卒中症状出现3~4.5小时内的应用开了绿灯。tPA治疗时间窗的延长对缺血性卒中患者和医生来说有怎样的影响? Jauch教授:这对于转运时间长或到达医院接近3小时的患者有重要的影响,又给了医生30~60分钟的时间,使那些本来不符合静脉tPA治疗的患者可以考虑使用tPA治疗。我同时认为,这也为那些因没有神经科医生或没有CT的医院将患者转院至卒中中心提供了时间。

    作者:国际循环网 有31433人浏览 发布于:2009-06-24

  • [TISC2009]Marc Chimowitz教授谈SAMMPRIS研究


    作者:国际循环网 有24692人浏览 发布于:2009-06-24

  • [EuroPCR2009] 药物洗脱支架的应用任重而道远

    International Circulation: Due to the increasing use of DES in complex lesions, DES restenosis is becoming more and more of a concern. Can you discuss the treatment of DES restenosis? Prof. Eeckhout: We have seen from SYNTAX that when you go up to 10cm of DES with the Taxus stent restenosis was an issue and made the difference between surgery and PCI in the final SYNTAX paper. It is an emerging issue and it is totally unclear if new DES will have restenosis. We do not have the data yet. The data we have on restenosis treatment in DES is scarce. We recently published a paper in CCI on that subject. The results are not good when you have a long in stent restenosis in DES. Using another drug, ‘olimus for example, when you have paclitaxel, the only data we have do not support doing that. As far as drug-eluting balloons are concerned, we don’t have any data yet. It is an open field and we don’t have many answers.

    作者:国际循环网 有35863人浏览 发布于:2009-06-15

  • [EuroPCR2009] 颈动脉支架置入术的临床指征及术后处理

    International Circulation: 目前,颈动脉血管成形术和支架置入术(CAS)的指征是行颈动脉内膜切除术(CEA)风险高的重度颈动脉狭窄患者,包括高龄患者和解剖学上无法行CEA的患者。但是,CREST研究和其他研究显示,CAS有可能增加高龄患者神经系统并发症的发生。重度颈动脉狭窄或者有症状的高龄患者最佳治疗方法是什么? Prof. Cremonesi:就目前而言,诸如CREST、SPACE和EVA-3S等试验的结果并不一致。根据来自这些试验的证据,很明显高龄患者的颈动脉支架置入术可能比颈动脉内膜切除术更复杂。另一方面,我们也有来自大样本量医疗中心的有趣数据,大多数是在颈动脉支架置入术成为日常操作的欧洲施行的,其高龄患者的并发症发生率与年轻患者相比实际上并无差异。我的观点是:对于高龄患者,如果手术者的技术娴熟,并且已经做过200~300例手术,那么在这种情况下,颈动脉内膜切除术和颈动脉支架置入术的并发症发生率相同。如果手术者并非训练有素,那么最好是将患者转诊至血管外科。

    作者:国际循环网 有42523人浏览 发布于:2009-06-15

  • [EuroPCR2009]Bernard Chevalier谈支架的选择

    国际循环: ZEST研究显示Cypher支架组缺血导致的TLR 、TVR 和支架血栓形成率低于Endeavor和 Taxus组。这些结果是否对施行PCI时支架选择有影响? Prof. Chevalier: 我觉得是有影响的。ZEST试验的一些数据不是很新,考虑到再狭窄和血栓形成,Taxus 和 Cyper 的比较通常支持Cypher 。相对不同的是这次试验中Endeavor的结果,我们不得不考虑造成这一结果的机制是什么。可以确定的是非常低迟发损失的Cypher有最佳的TLR结果。

    作者:国际循环网 有30172人浏览 发布于:2009-06-15

  • [EuroPCR2009]经皮瓣膜植入的应用现状和展望

    International Circulation: One highlight of EuroPCR 2009 are the many live cases and lectures about percutaneous valve implantation. What is your opinion about the current situation and developmental trends of this technique? What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria for percutaneous valve implantation? Prof. Grube: It is a great honor and pleasure to speak about interesting topics at EuroPCR as it relates to China. Obviously one of the most important topics is percutaneous valve implantation and you can see that by the large crowds in the rooms during the talks. This is a fairly new technology if we compare it to the standard of care of the treatment of aortic stenosis. The first valves were implanted in 2002 by Dr. Cribier and then was followed in 2004 by the CoreValve prosthesis. The attraction of this approach to treatment of aortic stenosis is widely accepted by the interventional community in terms of physicians, patients, and referring physicians. We believe that in 2009 we have emerged from infancy to a more mature state of development. The two valves currently available for this treatment are the Edwards Sapien valve and the Medtronic CoreValve and more than 5,000 implants have been done altogether with these two valves. We believe that we interesting and promising intermediate results with the percutaneous implant of these prostheses. The patients are doing better, the hemodynamic data are improving, and now we are awaiting longer term results in order to get different indications and longer term results regarding the durability of the valves. Presently the indications are the elderly patient population, mainly 70 years or older, with a high risk of traditional operative procedures. The no option patient and the high risk patient indications will probably last for another 1~2 years and when we have more experience the indications will probably be expanded to the lesser risk group.

    作者:E.Grube|戴启明 有32258人浏览 发布于:2009-06-15

  • [EuroPCR2009]Jose Luis Pomar教授谈介入术

    《国际循环》:根据您2008年6月发表的研究,我们知道原位心脏移植术后严重左侧瓣膜病变(二尖瓣返流)的发生率较低。对于此类患者,我们应该如何优化治疗策略以改善他们的转归? Prof. Pomar:左侧瓣膜关闭不全的患者发生返流通常是由慢性排斥反应所致。我们知道再移植的结果并不乐观,特别是在免疫抑制上存在问题的患者。我们设法修补二尖瓣,但并不对心室做太多操作。仅修补二尖瓣是合理的,因为即使是进行重塑,心室也不会扩大过多。

    作者:国际循环网 有26232人浏览 发布于:2009-06-15

  • [EuroPCR2009]A.Pieter Kappetein教授访谈

    International Circulation: The data from the SYNTAX-LE MANS study will be presented here at EuroPCR 2009. What can we learn from this study? What is your opinion about the status of CABG in patients with left main disease and/or three vessel disease?

    作者:国际循环网 有18671人浏览 发布于:2009-06-15

  • [EuroPCR2009] Carlos E. Ruiz教授谈瓣膜置换术新进展

    《国际循环》:去年三月您在《Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions》杂志上发表的文章中提到,CoreValve瓣膜可维持正常功能达三年而不发生结构退化或移位,治疗以主动脉瓣返流为主的混合性主动脉瓣疾病是可行的。那么是否存在PHV-in-PHV用于治疗其他情况的可能性? Prof. Ruiz:在这方面理论上有可能用经皮技术,但是我们尚未实现。目前设计的瓣膜大多针对主动脉狭窄的患者。根据我用CoreValve自膨式人工瓣膜的既往经验,该瓣膜可用于主动脉瓣关闭不全。对于原发性主动脉瓣关闭不全,这一手术的可行性目前还很难明确,因为现有经验仅限于少量病例。

    作者:国际循环网 有24153人浏览 发布于:2009-06-15

  • 第十二届全国介入心脏病学论坛暨北京大学心血管论坛闭幕


    作者:国际循环网 有20546人浏览 发布于:2009-06-01

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