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[TCT2012]经导管主动脉瓣置换术的最新进展—— TCT大会主席Martin Leon专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/10/23 16:42:52    加入收藏
 关键字:预防 TAVR 并发症 

International Circulation: Could you please discuss some of the embolic protection devices?
Dr. Leon: These are filters and deflectors on small catheters that are placed in the arch and are there to protect the brain from any debris that may come off the valve as you are implanting the new one.



  Dr. Leon: 这些是置放于主动脉弓处的小型导管连接的过滤器和偏转器,用于在植入新瓣膜时保护大脑免于任何可能从瓣膜脱落的碎片。

 International Circulation: Some presentations on these embolic protective devices seemed to be discussing whether or not they were working at all.
Dr. Leon: It is too soon to say. Early data is quietly suggesting that the rate of perfusion deficits from perfusion weighted MRI or high intensity transience from transcranial Doppler seem to be diminished when these devices are in place. But larger studies are needed and are being done now.




  Dr. Leon:这还言之尚早。早期数据悄然提示,当这些装置就位时,灌注加权MRI的灌注缺损或经颅多普勒的高强度瞬时信号发生率似乎有所降低。但需要更大规模的研究,而且现在正在做这样的研究。


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