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[ACC2011]ACC联合主席Michael H. Crawford教授谈ACC2011大会特色

作者:MichaelH.Crawford 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/3/29 16:07:18    加入收藏
 关键字:经皮冠心病介入治疗 PCI 经皮主动脉瓣置换术 

    <International Circulation>: Our audience is primarily Chinese. They would be interested to know how ACC has approached the Asian side of the world. 


    Prof Crawford: We invite attendees from all over the world. We have specific sessions designed for our international colleagues. We have the international lunches which take place on Sunday and Monday and we have 18 of them this year. China is one of the 18 that is holding an international lunch. Some of the US experts that they want to hear from are invited to that luncheon followed by a discussion. Usually there is a topic chosen and experts on that topic attend and together with their counterparts from China, they have a lively discussion perhaps about differences in management. For instance, at this year’s Chinese symposium, we will be discussing the use of diuretics as first line treatment for hypertension which is very common practice in China. The fact that the United States is moving away from that and going more often to calcium channel blockers and angiotensin receptor blockers or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors as first line therapy is obviously of interest.


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