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作者:Whaley-Connell 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/26 16:02:06    加入收藏
 关键字:糖尿病肾病 Whaley-Connell 

    <International Circulation>: Adding fenofibrate to primary statin therapy might be a useful strategy against adverse residual microvascular and macrovascular risk for type II diabetes. Is there an indicator to prescribe fibrates to type II diabetic patients?


    Prof. Whaley-Connell:Right now the evidence is a little bit limited but again there is definitely very promising data with regards to adding fenofibrates to other lipid lowering strategies such as diet and lifestyle modification. The question remains as to whether to add fenofibrates to statins and looking at reducing cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients. My opinion is that the data is limiting in making a global recommendation just yet.

    Dr Whaley-Connell: 目前相关的证据有限,但也有一些非常有意义数据是关于非诺贝特联合其它降脂策略如饮食和改变生活方式。问题是,非诺贝特是否要和他汀类药物联合使用和观察其降低糖尿病患者心血管疾病的风险。我的观点是,目前这些数据对提出一个全球性的建议是有限的。

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