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[ESC2010] S.E.Harding教授谈心力衰竭干细胞治疗现状及其研究进展

作者:SianEHarding 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/27 14:03:00    加入收藏
 关键字:S.E.Harding教授   心血管疾病  干细胞治疗  基因疗法 


     <International Circulation>: Why did you have a particular interest in patients with LVADs? Is it because they have limited options?


    Prof.Harding:They certainly have limited options. At Harefield Hospital in Imperial College we have studied these patients for some time because of the possibility of paired tissue samples. As you implant the LVAD you naturally take a piece of the myocardium and we have been making myocytes from those. Part of the reason the SERCA trial went ahead was because of the evidence from those myocytes that there was restoration of the SR calcium function that went along with recovery. We have also had samples from the LVAD patients when, for example, when they went for transplant and we obtained the entire heart. Also, there was a cohort in Harefield that showed good recovery and the pump was able to be explanted and small samples were obtained at that time and we were able to do a comparison before and after. This is extremely important because evidence that is lacking from many studies is that if you see a benefit what the reason for such a benefit is. So, we have a potential for understanding if we have put cells in, whether it is the cells themselves that have grown or if it is some pericrine idea.

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